Student Leadership

At WIC, we encourage students to follow their passion and contribute in a meaningful way not only to the WIC community but to the world beyond. WIC, therefore, cultivates individual student growth by providing amazing leadership opportunities. From formal leadership positions in groups within the school to a multitude of informal leadership roles in various co-curricular activities, sports teams and events that occur during our school year, students have plenty of opportunities to discover the path that most excites them.

Global Awareness Club (Grades 7 – 12)

Global Awareness Club is open to students interested in raising awareness about situations in many parts of the world. The club has a strong educational focus coupled with projects to raise awareness. 

Mentors (Grades 7 – 12)

Mentoring opportunities exist for WIC students who can be good role models, act as a friendly face, provide support, and help students who are new to WIC adjust to a new academic and social environment.

Community in Action (CIA) (Grades 7 – 12)

The mission of CIA is "students helping students make a difference in their school." This group of students participates in community and relationship-building activities in the school, with projects that range from school-based initiatives to local community events and global initiatives. 

Prefect Council (Grade 12)

The Prefects, made up exclusively of Grade 12 students, are responsible for student pride, engagement, and school spirit. As ambassadors for WIC, Prefects play a vital role in supporting student life at the College. They are role models and exemplify all that is best of our school to their fellow students, the parent body, and the community at large. 

Roots & Shoots (Grades 7 – 12)

The Roots & Shoots Program is about making positive change happen in our communities, for animals, and for the environment. Part of a national organization linked to Dr. Jane Goodall, the group connects youth of all ages who share a desire to help make our world a better place. Students and staff come together to share ideas and inspiration, implement successful community service projects, and participate in special events and global campaigns. 

Students’ Council (Grades 7 – 12)

The Council is the students' voice in the College. Its mandate includes, but is not restricted to:

  • Student advocacy
  • Organization of events such as school dances and school spirit days
  • Liaison between the students, teachers, and administration
  • Promotion of school spirit

Students' Council is elected by the student body at large.

West Island College Athletic Association
(WICAA) (Grades 7 – 12)

WICAA is responsible for all athletic events at the College. Its executive is made up of a President, Vice-President, Junior President, House Captains, Assistant House Captains, and Junior House Captains who are elected by each House. WICAA helps with the intramural program, oversees the interscholastic timekeepers, scorers, and organizes and facilitates a number of events, including the annual Athletic Awards Ceremony.