Dual Credit Courses
Get Ahead Start with Dual Credit
Dual credit courses at WIC allow senior high students to earn both high school and post-secondary credits simultaneously while helping them begin to navigate the shift to post-secondary education.
With the support from WIC teachers, students take post-secondary classes taught by post-secondary professors. Upon successful completion of a dual credit course, they earn five 30-level high school credits and three post-secondary credits.
Benefits of Dual Credit Courses
Recent Dual Credit Courses Offered Include:
University of Calgary
PSYC 203
Psychology for Everyday Life
This course addresses issues that arise in our everyday life and demonstrates how students can apply psychological principles in their personal and professional lives.
University of Calgary
ENTI 217
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This course addresses the “wicked problem” of designing your life and career journey. Students will develop frameworks, tools, and a sense of community through engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
MNGT 200
Introduction to Business
This course covers key business functions like management, marketing, and finance, explores the Canadian business environment, and emphasizes teamwork and ethics.
Ready to take your education further?