Senior High

With a greater range of course choices, Senior High allows Gr. 10 - 12 students to focus their studies on more specific disciplines. Academic planning becomes important in order to ensure that students complete all of the necessary requirements for graduation, the institute program they are pursuing, and post-secondary entrance.

Programs of Study

It is our belief that the best way to prepare for the future is to capitalize on the opportunities of the present. With this in mind, West Island College offers an enriched, rigorous and relevant curriculum for all students in the Senior High program. 
We have a semestered system that provides opportunities for students to focus on fewer courses per semester. The ability to take numerous Advanced Placement courses expose students to university-level preparation, easing their transition into post-secondary. 

The Senior High Course Selection Guide provides an overview of the programs offered, the content of each course offered, the number of credits allocated, as well as the pre-requisites.

Click here to view the Senior High Course Selection Guide