Additional Fees

Family Membership

Pursuant to the by-laws of the Society, each Parent (as defined therein) with at least one child registered at the College, may become a member of the Society by executing this agreement and remaining in compliance with the terms hereof.

PRIVILEGES: It is standard common practice among Independent Schools to incorporate a “family membership fee” or “new student fee” into the admissions process.

At WIC, it is a one-time, non-refundable fee of $3,500. It is paid at the time of registration of the first family member and extends thereafter to all siblings who qualify for the College’s program.

For new students entering Grades 10 - 12, $2,000 is payable at the time of registration as an “individual membership." Families that have paid the full family membership fee of $3,500 for a previous child will not be required to pay the individual membership. 

Capital Improvement Fee

To ensure the continuous improvement of the facility, each family is levied a one-time, non-refundable, Capital Improvement Fee (CIF) of $3,500 post-dated for Sept. 1. The CIF extends thereafter to all siblings who qualify for the College’s program. 

Instructional, Support Resources and Technology Fees

These fees are included in the Tuition fees. Instructional resource fees will cover book purchases, lab fees, field trips, and student activity fees (SAF) including clubs and co-curriculars. Support Resource fees are to offset the costs associated with activities outside of the classroom, including locks and locker maintenance, the cost of printing various handbooks and calendars etc. A portion of fees are allocated to technology to provide a range of equipment including mobile devices to the students. (Additional $100 for Grade 9 Celebration and $300 for Grade 12 Commencement if applicable.)

School Supplies and Optional Activities Fees

School Supplies and Optional Activities Fees School supplies are the responsibility of the student, as many courses require specific materials. Until teachers have provided specific supply lists, a binder with loose leaf paper will suffice. Optional Activities Fees are collected for items such as sports teams, optional camps/trips, merchandise, etc. 

Bring your Own Device (BYOD)

All WIC students are required to bring their own devices (BYOD) to school and use their technology resources to support their learning. Please refer to the information found on the WIC website. Students will be responsible for maintaining their own device including charging and installing virus protection. If students are unable to bring their own device, they may sign out a computer from the College on a short-term basis.

An important component of BYOD will be the education of students around appropriate online behaviours. We will review cyber-safety rules with students frequently throughout the course of the school year and offer reminders and reinforcement about safe online behaviours. 

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